Welcome to the
Chaston Centre

A most idyllic place to create your more meaningful life.

We love to assist people to understand the correlations between loss, change, living a fulfilling life, creating a team-dynamic workplace and profits.

When individuals embrace our concepts, they easily move beyond any kind of loss and create a better everyday life.

When companies embrace our concepts, they unlock the people and profits connection.
Ensuring that their people are always working at their best, valuing each other whilst providing the best possible customer experience and returns to the company.
“Give us your worst employee and we will either make them one of your best or get them to leave.
Win-Win for All”


The longest journey you will ever take is the 18″ journey from Your Head to Your Heart

Come and Join Us

Mantra at Salt Beach Kingscliff NSW

Thursday 5:30pm 22nd June 2023 to Saturday 5:30pm 24th June 2023

Click the pic for all details!

The “Where Are You Now?” quiz will assist you to know how to create your work-life intergration lifestyle, which will ensure that your success is not killing you and that you are thriving in all areas of your life!

Is your success killing you?

Watch Karen being interviewed by Mike Liu, from FreeFuse,
to find your answer.

Have you noticed that most of us have never been taught how to move beyond loss?

There wasn’t a class.

There wasn’t anything that prepared us. No wonder many of us are stuck in avoidance and end up suffering in silence.

It does not have to be this way.

When you’re ready to find meaning and purpose in regard to all that has happened, join us and Unwrap the Gift this Loss has brought to you.

Click the “Beyond Loss” logo above to learn more.

Have you ever taken the time to design a life where all areas flow with ease?

So often in life we make things a lot harder than they need to be.

We have found that when you take the time to focus on all areas of your life, instead of just a few, everything comes together.

You become healthy, vibrant and happy. All your relationships are Tip-top. Your career is thriving as is your wealth creation.

To learn more click the “Live Love By Design” logo above .

Have you ever felt surely there must be an easier way to motivate your staff?

As NLG Ltd.’s C.F.O., Karen Chaston asked this question all the time. Though now through her Beyond Loss Expertise, she has found the answer.

Together we’ll create a company where everyone is:

  • engaged in making the best possible product,
  • whilst offering the best possible customer experience,
  • whilst building the strongest possible company.

Click the “People Profits Connection” logo above to learn more.

We love to collaborate with like-minded people. Click on the logo above to find out more.

At the Chaston Centre we love our on line conversations. Click on the logo to watch our shows and to apply to be a guest.

At the Chaston Centre we love to write and educate our readers. Click on the logo to find out more.